It’s a beautiful day in the neighborh…well, it’s Friday anyway!

Won’t you be?

As I was doing my morning scroll on The book of Face, ^^ popped up on my feed. As luck would have it, I am indeed wearing a cardigan today (truthfully, I’m a big fan of dressing in layers, so there are strategically hung cardigans all over my space) !

The other thing that immediately popped into my mind when reading this was one of my all time favorite shots of Richard Armitage a la Mr. Rogers:

TORONTO, ON – DECEMBER 03: Richard Armitage Of “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey” Photo Session at the Roots Flagship store on December 3, 2012 in Toronto, Ontario. (Photo by George Pimentel/WireImage)

Seems like a good day to wrap ourselves up in a cardigan and share a kindness or two. Have a kind and cardigany day!!

Death, taxes and Richard Armitage et alia Obscura inevitables

It’s February 7th and I have had a trying week filled with “Obscura inevitables”

1.  When needing to travel for work, my cell phone will refuse to charge – leaving me vulnerable to a lack of roadside assistance.  Since I’m blogging from the comfort of home this turned out to be moot, but even so…who runs around without a functioning mobile phone in the wilds of the Upper Midwest I ask you??

2. Traveling out of town for work will always be in the depth of winter and naturally coincide with a dumping of 11.5 inches of snow on a destination which has “run out of plowing and road salt budgetary funds resulting in the unplowed state of side streets.”  

3.  When needing to be at a departmental meeting the morning after traveling out of town for said department, my cell phone will refuse to charge – leaving me without access to my calendar for the next day. (see “1” above.)

4.  At the most inconvenient point possible, after traveling out of town for work in a rental vehicle, my personal vehicle will decide to flip me off AFTER the return of the rental vehicle, necessitating procurement of a ride back to rent another vehicle whilst my own is being repaired by a mechanic who looks at me like it’s weird that my car appears to be housing a family of four.

Etcetera, etcetera. etcetera…so goes my week.  In and amidst all of this bounty, I received word that a lovely woman from church, on the way to visit a sister dying of cancer, had been involved in a terrible auto accident which killed her passenger, another of her sisters.  Death is an immutable fact of life, but I cannot imagine the devastating contemplation of the loss of two sisters at all, not to mention while she herself is struggling to recover from her own serious injuries.  Any positive mojo into the universe on her behalf is appreciated.

On to taxes:

“Every organized society throughout history has had taxes…whether they were paid in peanuts or diamonds, taxes are taxes.”  Prof. Obscura uttered this sentence in all of her intro classes this week as, we begin talking about the criteria of state level societies.  For those of you unfamiliar with US tax code, it’s income tax time.  Generally speaking, people filing tax returns well in advance of the April 15th deadline are expecting a refund from the Internal Revenue Service.

I did it, I did it, I did it!!  Hurray                     ....Dora the Explorer

I did it, I did it, I did it!! Hurray!!!
….Dora the Explorer

You guessed it…after grappling with the State of Wisconsin Department of Revenue site (FYI:  WIDOR e-file is not a fan of Google Chrome) I am now in anticipation of my annual tax refund.  We won’t be running away for a luxury vacation, but yipee…Look out Blue Harbor, here we come to take a dip in the human stew of the indoor waterpark!!   Better yet, I can check this one of my “To Do” list.

Last but not least, there’s Richard Armitage.  So much going on right now.  So much that resonates on a personal level with me that I seem to make connections all over the place.  For instance, this appeared on my RL FB wall this week:

Words to live by from an icon of my youth

Words to live by from an icon of my youth…

That picture of Fred Rogers, beloved by PBS watching “children” of a certain vintage immediately called to mind this favorite of mine…

Mr. Rogers a la Richard Armitage Photo by George Pimentel

Mr. Rogers a la Richard Armitage
Photo by George Pimentel

…which always makes me smile.  You see, Armitageworld has become a place of refuge for me…a place where I can express myself and enjoy the company of a great group of people.  Despite the frequent drama….I don’t often comment on it publicly, but I definitely am aware of it and the fact that it so very often seems to emanate from a few predictable sources…I cherish this place…warts and all I guess!