Happy Birthday to me or “I’m so vain”

Since  Guylty’s oof so kindly directed you here to drop birthday wishes, here’s a spot to put theM.  Happy Birthday to all my fellow Virgos out there…especially Maria, Kathy and my mom who share the exact same day.  Here’s a little Carly Simon ditty for the occasion:

32 comments on “Happy Birthday to me or “I’m so vain”

  1. KatharineD says:

    Many happy returns, Obscura! Have a great day. That was quite the flattering portrait Guylty painted , you sexy woman, you!

    • obscura says:

      I’ve been known to talk on and on about the very subject, but I’m not sure how articulate I’d be with him looking at me like that! Thanks for the b-day wishes 🙂

  2. Marie Astra says:

    Happy birthday to yoouu! Hope you have a gReAt day, Prof. O__! Auburn hair and a burgundy dress? Hot stuff! 😀 My mom and both my brothers are Virgos. Love them!

  3. trudystattle says:

    Happy Birthday, Obscura!
    Chocolate cake or Richard? ok, ok…I know it’s no contest….no wait, might we combine the two? After all, it’s your day to dream up wishes and be spoiled.
    I’ll stop safely right here.

    • obscura says:

      Thanks Trudy! Did you say chocolate cake on Richard? Don’t mind if I do…oops, that was or my bad 😉

      I might have spun Guylty’s little scenario out a bit…

  4. i.f. says:

    Raise a glass to the birthday girl!
    All the best and may a lovely year be ahead. You look stunning in burgundy. And I envy you for that amazing encounter with said actor.

  5. judiang says:

    Happy Birthayday Obscura! Hope you’re having something chocolate today. 🙂

  6. Perry says:

    Happy Birthday my friend. One of my favorite songs as well.

  7. kathrynruthd says:

    Happy Birthday! And many happy returns x

  8. I had to come and wish you HB–even though I wished you earlier on one of your older posts….I woke her up this morning…she hadn’t even had time to post before I was poking and singing HB off key. That’s a rock for you…lovely to look at, but they can be most bothersome if you don’t watch out for them.

  9. Joanna says:

    Happy Birthday! 🙂 Wszystkiego Najlepszego!

  10. linda60 says:

    Happy Birthday, Obscura! I love that song. It reminds me of my teenage years. Mmmmmhhhh..

  11. katie70 says:

    Happy Birthday Obscura! I hope you have a gReAt birthday and many more. Don’t forget the chocolate ice cream. Also wished you a happy birthday on your birthday *ooof*.

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